
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Review of Fiddler on the Roof

Hello all! So sorry that it's been a little while since my last post.... I really wanted to do Miss Dashwood's musicals week! So, along the same lines, I am reviewing Fiddler on the Roof!

I heard from several blogs that it was one of their top favorite movies... and I hadn't seen it! Luckily, it was on YouTube, and I watched the whole thing Sunday evening.

And it was marvelous! The music was wonderful, the story touching, and the movie was very well cast, IMHO.... especially Tevye.

The movie was not just fluff, either. It really got me to thinking about prejudices, about changing times, Tradition, and marriage (especially "outside the Faith." More on that later.)

I think it's so interesting that Tevye, a poor dairy farmer and a fairly uneducated man, shows such strength, patience, and wisdom.


He makes a ton of tough decisions. Allowing his eldest to marry the man of her choice after he made an arranged marriage with an old but wealthy butcher, allowing his second eldest to marry... I believe he's a communist, from his theories and his teachings of the Holy Book. :) "And the moral of the story is, don't trust an employer." RIIIIIGHT. But one of the most important decisions and one that really made me think was when he couldn't seem to accept Chava marrying a Christian.

I wondered what I thought about marrying outside my faith. I decided to ask my mom about it. She said she is living proof of that very thing because she did marry outside of her faith... sort of. My dad's mother was a Christian, but he wasn't really raised anything and still isn't. He's not atheist exactly, but....

Well, anyway, she said it might prove to be rather difficult to marry outside the faith, especially to someone who may be a devout something else, like Muslim or a Jew. My aunt said that she and my uncle really bonded over their faith, and she loved that they could support each other on this, and go to church together, and well... everything along those lines.

So I'm still thinking. I believe I'd have to REALLY REALLY love him to even consider such a thing. Because being a Christian would just be a wonderful, wonderful bond to have, and I think it is super important. I feel it would help everything out. But that's a big question and I think I'm just going to let the idea just float around for a little bit. What are your thoughts on marrying outside the faith?

Prejudice was also a serious issue. Why do others feel they are better than some people? That they are learning the "right" things and doing the "right" things or wearing the "right" things.... We have actually been discussing prejudice in English and we have decided prejudice is a society thing. You aren't born shunning people different from you. It is something you are taught as you go through life. It really hurt seeing all the hard working Jews kicked out of their homes and losing their jobs and losing their friends. And all because they were Jewish. Different. Not like "us." They had really done nothing wrong.

 I've never really liked bittersweet endings. I liked the end of Fiddler on the Roof I suppose, but at the same time I didn't like it at all, you know?


Anyway, away from deep topics.... the music was so fun! The bottle dance was fascinating, "If I Were a Rich Man" had me laughing, especially with Tevye's odd dance! "Sunrise, Sunset" was beautiful. I could go on, but let me suffice to say it was lovely.

I feel I've learned more about the Jewish faith and their beliefs. I was very interested in their ceremony and ideals and prayers. The peasant way of life in Russia then was a real eye-opener too. There was such a wide gap between the poor and the middle class!

Golde was an interesting character too. She was tough and busy and impatient; but at the same time she was soft on the inside and content, and considerate. Rather confusing, huh? And her an Tevye's "Do You Love Me?'" was sweet. I got kind of annoyed that it took her so long to admit it though....

And by the end of the movie I was glad at least one "tradition" is really no longer in practice: arranged marriages. This song explains it all:

It was a wonderful movie and I'm sure I shall be watching it again soon! Have any of you seen Fiddler on the Roof? What did you think of it? What are your opinions on any of my "topics?'"  (Keep it kind) Finally, I make no promises, but I sign off hoping to come out with a review of the movie Little Women (1994)soon.



  1. I love Fiddler on the Roof! I haven't seen the entire thing in a coon's age and I actually don't even remember the ending (yes, it was that long ago!), but I'd love to see it again.
    The music is so fun! I always liked "Matchmaker" myself, and "If I Were A Rich Man" is so funny!


    1. Those are good ones, aren't they? I'm so glad you like it too!

  2. I've seen Fiddler at least 6 or 7 times over the years, though not particularly recently. My parents love it, and my father-in-law loves it (especially since he once played Tevye in a local stage production!), but... it's really too sad for me to love. Families splitting up and people being forced out of their homes are two of things I find sadder than almost anything else, you see. But I do love a lot of the songs :-)

    As for people marrying outside their faith -- I think it's a very dangerous thing to do. One of the reasons I chose to attend the college I did was because it was a Christian college, and I had a feeling I would probably meet the love of my life in college, so I wanted to better the odds of meeting a man who shared my faith and beliefs. God blessed me with a wonderful Christian husband who is strong in his faith and who I can love and respect unreservedly.

    However, I have a friend who was not a Christian who married a Christian man, and now, years down the road, neither of them are Christians anymore. I have an aunt who was Christian and married a Jew, and she converted to Judaism. On the flip side, I have a friend who was not a strong Christian who married a man with great faith, and she is a much stronger Christian now than she was ten years ago. And I have another friend who began dating a non-Christian, and he is now attending church with her. I think that I would not be as opposed to dating outside your faith, but that marrying an unbeliever would be a bad idea, and what is dating but seeing if you like someone well enough to marry them? 2 Corinthians 6:14 cautions believers not to be "unequally yoked with unbelievers," after all.

    I think that, aside from dangers of perhaps falling away from the faith yourself, it's very hard to raise children to be believers if both parents don't attend church and emphasize the importance of learning about God. And, as a dear pastor said in many sermons that I heard as a child, who would you rather see in heaven than your own children?

    Okay, sorry that turned into a giant comment! I'll quit now ;-)

    1. That's very true about the children... you know, I didn't even factor that in! I know what you mean about Fiddler being too sad, I felt a little that way myself. And don't be sorry, I LOVE giant comments :)
